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Stuart | Vero Beach
(772) 207-1544

Questions Frequently Asked About Process Serving

At Accurate Serve in Port St. Lucie, we know that the realm of legal procedures can be a maze of confusion for many. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of frequently asked questions about process serving to help demystify the subject.

What Exactly is Process Serving?

Process serving is the formal act of delivering legal papers to individuals or organizations involved in a court case. This ensures that everyone is officially informed about legal actions being taken against them. Continue reading

How to Find Someone That Needs to Be Served

At Accurate Serve, our process service agency is dedicated to locating and serving those who need to be served, regardless of their attempts to evade the process. This commitment is not only in Port St. Lucie, Stuart, Okeechobee, or Vero Beach, Florida but also across all our locations. In this post, we’re sharing some practical tips on how to find someone that needs to be served.

Why Do People Avoid Service of Process?

Individuals may avoid process servers for a range of reasons, including their reluctance to face legal proceedings, financial constraints for attorney representation, or the sheer inconvenience of dealing with legal issues. While avoiding the process server may seem like a good idea at the time, it will inevitably lead to trouble down the road. Continue reading

Ultimate Guide for Process Serving

Process serving is a crucial component of the legal system that ensures that due process is upheld, and legal proceedings are carried out effectively. At Accurate Serve of Port St. Lucie, we understand the importance of delivering legal documents accurately and efficiently. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the ins and outs of process serving, providing valuable insights into the job.

What is Process Serving?

Process serving involves delivering legal documents, such as summons, complaints, subpoenas, and writs, to the individuals or entities involved in a legal proceeding. It is a vital step in the legal process, ensuring that all parties have notice of the legal action being taken against them, giving them an opportunity to respond. Continue reading

Why You Should Never Avoid a Process Server

At Accurate Serve® of Port St. Lucie, we understand that receiving legal documents can be intimidating and stressful. However, avoiding a process server is not a solution to your legal troubles. In this post, we will discuss why it is crucial to never evade or ignore a process server.

Legal Obligation

Avoiding a process server may seem tempting, especially if you’re facing a challenging legal situation. However, it’s important to remember that evading a process server is not only futile but also illegal. Ignoring the service of legal documents can lead to severe consequences, including default judgments and additional legal issues. Instead of evading a process server, it is crucial to face the situation head-on and address the legal matter at hand. Continue reading

FAQ About Process Serving

As a process server in Port St. Lucie, we often get asked a lot of questions about our services. We understand that the legal system can be confusing and intimidating, which is why we’ve put together this FAQ to answer some of the most common questions about process serving.

What is Process Serving?

Process serving is the legal procedure of delivering legal documents to individuals or entities that are involved in a legal case. This is done to ensure that all parties involved in a legal dispute are properly notified of the proceedings against them. Continue reading

Why it is a BIG Mistake to Avoid a Process Server

Serving process is a critical part of the legal process in Florida. It involves delivering legal documents, such as a summons or complaint, to the appropriate party. However, some individuals may try to avoid being served, believing that it will delay or prevent legal proceedings. In this post, we will discuss why it is a BIG mistake to avoid a process server in Florida.

Delaying Legal Proceedings

Avoiding a process server can cause significant delays in legal proceedings. If the legal documents are not properly served, the case cannot proceed. This can result in a prolonged legal battle, which can be both time-consuming and expensive for everyone involved, not to mention the drain on taxpayer-funded resources. Additionally, delaying legal proceedings can also have negative consequences, such as the loss of evidence or the expiration of the statute of limitations. Continue reading

Rules Every Process Server Must Follow

As a process service company in Florida, we understand the importance of following the rules and regulations set forth for process servers by the state of Florida. Process serving is a crucial component of the legal system, and it is essential that all process servers follow the laws to ensure that the legal process is carried out fairly and justly. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important rules that every process server must follow in the state of Florida.

Rule #1: Serve Papers in a Timely Manner

One of the most critical rules that every process server must follow is serving papers in a timely manner. Florida’s law requires that process be served within 120 days of the date the case was filed for most civil cases. Failing to serve papers in a timely manner can result in the case being dismissed, which can be devastating for the client. Continue reading

Has Technology Helped the Process Service Industry?

We live in a fast-changing, high-tech world, with new technologies being introduced every day. We can do almost everything on our phones, talk to people all over the world, and even see what’s going on in space, 24 hours per day. So, how has all this new tech affected the process service industry? Have emerging communication technologies improved the process of delivering important paperwork while maintaining a chain of command?

The answer is yes…and no. It’s complicated.

Playing Catch-Up

The world around us definitely changes faster than our laws and regulations. While the state of Florida does regulate and pay attention to the process service industry, they are struggling to keep the laws up to date with current technologies. Delivering the process via electronic means is not standard practice in Florida…in fact, in person delivery is highly preferred. The government and court system just haven’t built up trust in using electronic communication methods for tasks so vital to the functioning of the legal system, and laws lag behind as a result. Continue reading

Why Lying to a Process Server is a Bad Idea

If a process server approaches you, introduces themselves, and then asks what your name is…what would you say? Would you be honest and tell them who you are, even if it meant being served with a lawsuit? Or would you lie and not reveal your identity, throwing the process server off the trail temporarily?

While it may be tempting to lie to the process server about who you are, we just can’t urge you enough not to do so. Lying to a process server isn’t just unethical…it can lead to some pretty serious consequences. In this post, we’ll go over the exact reasons why you should never lie to a process server: Continue reading

Are Process Servers Permitted To Conceal Their Identity?

Many people’s idea of a process server comes from Hollywood. In the movies, process servers are dressed up in pizza delivery driver uniforms, serving unsuspecting defendants with a large box of lawsuits before exclaiming “You’ve been served!” and scampering away. In real life, this is not how it goes.

Process Servers are Not Allowed to Lie About Who They Are

In the state of Florida, process servers are held to high ethical standards. Ethical misdeeds, even in a server’s personal life, can lead to banishment from the serving process in the state. Florida courts take this very seriously and will not hesitate to punish a process server who violates state laws. Continue reading