Port St. Lucie | Okeechobee
Stuart | Vero Beach
(772) 207-1544

Accurate Serve Port St Lucie

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How to Tell if a Process Server is Legitimate

You must use a certified private process server in Port St. Lucie. If you use an uncertified process server, you are risking having your entire case dismissed due to improper service. You can identify illegitimate process servers and avoid future problems by following these tips:

Ask for proof of certification

All private process servers in St. Lucie County must be certified by Florida’s 19th Judicial Circuit or by the local Sheriff’s office. The 19th Judicial Circuit also covers Martin, Okeechobee, and Indian River counties, so process servers certified by the circuit can serve process in all four counties. On the other hand, process servers certified by the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s office can only serve process here in St. Lucie county. Continue reading

August Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder

Founder’s Message

Back to School Special

As a dad of 3, I know the most important role I play is that of father. Trust me, being your process server is a pretty close second. It’s August, a month I truly adore, a month to celebrate the birthday of my wife and also the month our first born arrived in this world. August also is generally the month that all children go back to school (granted I know some states do start back in Sep, like NY for example).

When the kids go back to school, normalcy returns to working parents. Routines and schedules are back in place. Here are some great tips to help your child return to the classroom safely and ensure they start the year off on the right foot.

  • Send your child to school with a water bottle/canteen/thermos daily. This can help keep them hydrated, they won’t have to get out of their seat during crucial instruction time and the water fountains may not be on due to Covid protocols.
  • Prepare or plan your child’s lunch a day ahead of time. Check the school menu and either have lunch made the day before or ready to assemble in a jif.
  • The Daily Agenda.  It’s basically a calendar and it is marked with messages from the teacher, assignments, etc.  Look at that agenda daily, sign it. I know if I just ask my kids, “What happened at school today?” – I get a very tepid response. Now, if I look at the agenda and see they worked on x,y,z that day, and I ask them about it, then my kid is now singing the ABC’s.
  • Read. Read. Read. Read with your kids, have them ready with each other, silent reading, any reading is great and the more the better. I try to set an example and have a book in my hands more often than not. I would much rather my kids see me reading a book than playing on my phone.

Given the above school tips, I also want to touch on items to help keep you and your kids from getting sick.

  • Proper hand washing skills are a must.  Warm water is best and at least 20 seconds of good hand washing with anti-bacterial soap.
  • Kids (and parents) should carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with them.  If you are unable to use soap and water to wash your hands, hand sanitizer is a good alternative and is proven effective at killing most germs.
  • Cough into your elbow and cover your mouth
  • Socially distance yourselves, no direct face to face talking – just turn your head slightly, forget the hand shakes, go with an arm/elbow bump, clean clothes/bodies as soon as they get home, so no germs are spread throughout the household.

We love serving your papers, giving tips about school is cool too but we get real jazzed about service of process. We have a group chat for all of the Owners and Operators of Accurate Serve® and all we talk about all day long is serving papers, scenarios we encounter while serving, etc. Our team loves serving papers!!

If you ever have a question, feel free to call or email.  I am always available for my local Clients and all AS Clients statewide/nationwide. If you ever experience any service issues with another office, please let me know. I can assist in all issues I know of but can help with 0% of the problems that are not brought to my attention.

Warmest regards,
Beau Charlet

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Summer is winding down, time to get ready to go back to school, and some of you reading this have already sent your kids back I’m sure.

In my first networking event of this year I ran into one of the local attorneys here in Sarasota. The future President of the Florida Bar, Mr. F. Scott Westheimer. He was a nice guy, a funny guy, his remarks were brief, and he is prompt with returning correspondence, but you don’t need to take my word for it. Here is the link to his campaign website, take a look for yourself!


Moving forward to the serious business of process serving.

As a business owner I am always looking for ways to make my employees lives better. I look for ways to improve their communication, or to create a work environment that is rewarding. I believe if I can help them personally and professionally, then it will be easier for them to help my clients. I know what your thinking… I’m a client what about me?

How can Accurate Serve® make my life better??

Wouldn’t you prefer to spend your time working for your clients on things that you are highly skilled and trained to do? Isn’t that the best way for your to serve your clientele?

My father told me when I started working for myself that the key to any successful business is the people. The people we have hired here at Accurate Serve® are professional, reliable, and hardworking. When we send jobs to our servers we schedule for follow up, and audit the progress of the jobs as we work them. If you are asking for an update, we have likely already contacted our server to remind them of our shared expectations.

When you have documents for service all that you need to do is email them to your local office. Here is a list of our locations! I’m sure we have an office right in your backyard.


Instead of sending your service of process to a company that only operates locally, send them to us! We have a network of servers ready and waiting to get to work on you services.

Using Accurate Serve® as your one point of contact for all your service of process needs will streamline your duties. You could follow up with one person and get all the updates you need. You can also log in 24/7 to our system and see what updates we have in real time. This will free up your time to better serve your clients and do the work that you are highly trained, and motivated to do.

Reach out to us with your next service of process and see what we can do for you!

All the best,

Brennan Fogarty
Need our help?
Call (941) 586-7897
Email serve@accurateservesarasota.com

Visit the Sarasota Website
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Are you familiar with the Send Work feature on our websites? If you indeed utilize the Send Work feature, please note that each submission should be a singular serve. If there are 3 subpoenas to be served, please upload three separate jobs to avoid any confusion. In addition to the Send Work feature on the websites, each Accurate Serve® client has been given (or can be given) login access to our software program. Jobs can be sent to us for service that way as well. Just ask your local Owner/Operator.


Back to School!

Office Anniversaries:
Fort Myers, FL

July 2021 Job Statistics

July 2021 Job Count – 4,436
Average Number of Days from Receiving Paper to Paper Being Served* -4.8

*This includes jobs that may be on hold or waiting for new info. There is no way to take those jobs out of the calculation. So, if a job is placed on hold for 2 weeks, that’s 14 days on that job which factors in to this average. So, we’re even better than what the eyes see, LOL. Some papers get served same day, some next day and some take multiple attempts/addresses to effect service. All we do all day and every day is serve papers. We’re good at it and we love what we do. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to continue to serve your papers.

We Are Proud Sponsors of:

The Difference Between Using a Private Process Server v.s. the Local Sheriff

In Florida, you must use either the local sheriff’s department or a certified private process server to deliver all your case related documents to interested parties. But, how do you know when to use the sheriff’s department versus a private process server? Some types of process, like arrest warrants, must be served by a sheriff’s deputy. However, using a private process server to deliver the types of process which they are permitted to serve is a smart move. Here, we will discuss the benefits of hiring a private process server as opposed to the sheriff. Continue reading

Ways to Stay Safe While Serving Papers

It’s no secret that process servers have a risky job. However, experienced process servers know how to reduce the risks by using best safety practices. This is especially necessary when in unfamiliar areas or serving processes for violence-related cases. Try out these tips to stay safe while serving process here in the Sunshine State:

Be prepared

The most successful process servers always come prepared. Gather as much information as possible about your target before you step out the door. Thanks to the internet and social media, tons of information about almost anyone is available at the click of your mouse. Before attempting service, collect these facts at a minimum: Continue reading

July Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder

Founder’s Message

Are We There Yet?

Well, half way there. That is, half way through 2021. Wow, where did the year go? Is it because everyone is keeping themselves busy now w/ the ease of covid restrictions? The old adage states, time flies when you are having fun, right?

You know what I find fun? Work. Honestly, when I work, I just go into calm mode, like meditation state. When I don’t work, my anxiety builds about all the work I need to do, LOL. Such is life, huh?

I, like many of you, also like to vacation. And summer is the time to take advantage of just that, you know, with the kids out of school full time. Take day trips, weekend trips, plan activities, keep them busy, enroll them in camps, do what you need to do to help enlighten and enhance the lives of those little ones.

Although we all may have less time and more on our plate during the summer, one thing you don’t need to worry about is us not working. Accurate Serve® is set up for success and with the multitude of office staff and servers we work with, we are equipped and prepared to keep the process serving train in motion.

Our Servers are real good and letting us know ahead of time if they will be out of town, so we can have other Servers fill in for them in their absence. Our office staff works tirelessly and when one of them needs a break, others step up to the plate and knock out home runs.

Always remember we are here for you, any time you need us.  Dedication is our name, process serving is our game and consistency is our key.

Warmest regards,
Beau Charlet

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Accurate Serve® Dallas is proud to be a sponsor of the Dallas Area Paralegal Association also known as DAPA. As the world slowly starts to re open I look forward to having in person meetings and getting to know the Paralegals in DAPA and throughout all of Dallas.

Our office has now been open for 6 months and it has been a great start for our new location. We have servers ready to work throughout all of Dallas County and its surrounding Counties. We have also expanded our network of statewide servers as well. Any service needed within the state of TX can be handled by our office with ease. All of our local servers have been connected to our phone application so that we can quickly provide our clients with updates and service information.

As we continue to grow we look forward to being your one stop shop for professional process serving. Our reach for service is unlimited as our Accurate Serve® team has successfully completed service throughout the world. From anywhere in the nation, Alaska to Hawaii as well as Internationally such as Germany, Ireland, China, Japan or India. No matter the location or team has the resources and knowledge to get the job done. Most importantly our focus is to keep our clients up to date every step of the way on all services.

Anytime you have questions about service our team is available by phone or email. Our office is ready to work and here to handle any case and any case load. Whether you have 1 job or 100 we want to be your go to for successful service. I look forward to earning your business and becoming your one stop shop for professional process serving. Enjoy your summer!

All the best,

Brandon Muscato
Need our help?
Call (469) 518-9581
Email serve@accurateservedallas.com

Visit the Dallas Website
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1. Ask your local Owner/Operator for a Rates sheet2. Look at our stats in this email newsletter, I am very proud of these numbers. Serving ~5,000 papers on an average of less than 3.8 days. Considering some jobs stay on hold for an extended period and are outliers that affect average, that serve to average is very good in my opinion.

Dates to Remember
7/4 – Independence Day
7/31 – Happy Birthday Brandon! (Ft. Myers)

Office Anniversaries:
Denver, CO
Ocala, FL
Jacksonville, FL
June 2021 Job Statistics

June 2021 Job Count – 4,940
Average Number of Days from Receiving Paper to Paper Being Served* -3.74

*This includes jobs that may be on hold or waiting for new info. There is no way to take those jobs out of the calculation. So, if a job is placed on hold for 2 weeks, that’s 14 days on that job which factors in to this average. So, we’re even better than what the eyes see, LOL. Some papers get served same day, some next day and some take multiple attempts/addresses to effect service. All we do all day and every day is serve papers. We’re good at it and we love what we do. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to continue to serve your papers.

We Are Proud Sponsors of:
Copyright © 2021 Accurate Serve, All rights reserved.

What Papers are Served by Process Servers?

The United States Constitution requires that all legal defendants receive due process. Part of that due process is to be notified about any upcoming hearings or court dates with enough time for the defendant to prepare a defense. Process servers help make sure your case is legally compliant by notifying defendants or any other relevant parties with plenty of time to spare.

The documents that a process server delivers to a defendant or relevant party are collectively known as process. The process can include many different documents from a variety of court proceedings. The most common types of process served by process servers include complaints, summons, subpoenas, and writs. Continue reading

May Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder

Founder’s Message

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

It has been some time since I have addressed the Covid-19 pandemic but here we go again. So, in the past week the CDC has updated their guidelines in regards to people who have been fully vaccinated. Some highlights are below:

  • No more masks indoors or outdoors (but still recommended if you are in packed areas like on a plane, train or bus (did you think I was going to say automobile?) and you will need to adhere to local rules, ordinances, corporate policies, etc.)
  • Domestic travel now allowed
  • No more social distancing
  • No testing or quarantining

For full details, please visit the CDC website, see also below:


Raise your hand if you live in OH?  Shucks, I can’t see who raised their hands as this is an article and not a live action scenario. Anyway, if you did raise your hand, have you got your vaccine yet? The Governor of OH has a pretty sweet incentive plan for their residents. See below (redundant, I hope not?):


Wow!! That’s a pretty great idea.  Wish all states would do this.

Be safe, we are almost there!!

Warmest regards,
Beau Charlet

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It is crazy to think that we are already halfway through the 2nd quarter of 2021. Summer is right around the corner and the legal industry will again start to heat up on the heels of Covid 19. For the state of Florida the mandate on Evictions and Foreclosure was lifted in the beginning of April. If your office is in need of a professional, knowledgeable and quick process serving company to serve Evictions and Foreclosure please reach out to your local Accurate Serve® Office. If you are located in the 20th Circuit of Florida (Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Hendry Glades) please contact our Ft Myers office at brandon@accurateserveftmyers.com

As you have heard me mention before, our team will always confirm receipt of new jobs in a quick manner. Staying on the topic of evictions and foreclosures our team provides quick and efficient service on these cases.

Starting with evictions, any case that does not have a claim for damages will either be served on the first attempt or posted on the second attempt a minimum of 6 hours after the first and only if there is no response at the door. The ROS will list both of the attempts including dates and times to show that the two attempts were made 6 hours or more apart before posting. If there are damages on the case and the defendant has 20 days to respond then service is handled as in hand service only, meaning we will continue efforts to serve the subject or a co resident over 15 years old and the documents will not be posted.

Moving onto foreclosure, our office handles these with special care. All servers no matter the location of service are instructed to provide marital and military status of the subject being served which is reflected onto our affidavits along with the description of the individual which we include in all cases. In SWFL there are many times where the defendant in a foreclosure case will have an alternate address, either in the area or out of state as we have many snowbirds. Unless instructed otherwise we always like to start with the local address, if the defendant is not there or the local address is only occupied by the unknown tenant(s) our office is able to quickly reroute these jobs to the alternate address. Lastly and one of the most important aspects is our returns. As mentioned above they will have the marital, military and physical description listed, you will also receive a copy of the summons showing the servers notation which consist of date and time of service along with the servers initials and ID #.

Accurate Serve® continues to advance in technology and for states that allow it like Florida we are able to use our e-signature function to quickly provide these returns to our clients for filing. The foreclosure will have a typed timestamp which is easy to read and very noticeable on the copy of the summons which will be attached to all returns on these cases.

Referrals are a great source of business for our office. If you have enjoyed working with us and have another attorney/paralegal in your office or know of an attorney/paralegal outside of your office that would benefit from using our services please have them contact our Fort Myers office at 239-822-7299 or brandon@accurateserveftmyers.com. If your office is located outside of the 20th circuit you can find your contact for service here – theaccurateservefranchise.com

All the best,

Brandon Muscato
Need our help?
Call (239) 822-7299
Email brandon@accurateserveftmyers.com

Visit the Ft. Myers Website
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We have touched on Motion & Order counties in Florida. Sometimes our clients decide to use the Sheriff in those counties rather than file the Motion and await the Order. You should still file the M&O even if you go the Sheriff route. What if the 1st address is no good and the Sheriff tells you that a few weeks down the road? Well, you may have a second address to try by then and the M&O should be good to go and you can use us instead of the Sheriff for any subsequent addresses.

J U N E 
Dates to Remember
6/14 – Flag Day
6/19 – Juneteenth
6/20 – Father’s Day

Office Anniversaries:

Miami, Florida & Mobile, Alabama Offices

Last Month’s Gift Card Winners:

Campbell Law P.A.

Nina Griffith

Christie Cheever

Brendan Riley

(Please check your emails)

Watch Video
April 2021 Job Statistics

April 2021 Job Count – 4,840
Average Number of Days from Receiving Paper to Paper Being Served* -5.54

*This includes jobs that may be on hold or waiting for new info. There is no way to take those jobs out of the calculation. So, if a job is placed on hold for 2 weeks, that’s 14 days on that job which factors in to this average. So, we’re even better than what the eyes see, LOL. Some papers get served same day, some next day and some take multiple attempts/addresses to effect service. All we do all day and every day is serve papers. We’re good at it and we love what we do. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to continue to serve your papers.

We Are Proud Sponsors of:

Can Process Servers Serve Paperwork Through Social Media

Traditionally, the service of the process requires papers to be served in person. But in today’s world that is so heavily driven and influenced by social media, judges allow social media service of process with more frequency. 

The Evolution of Social Media

Facebook and Twitter began as sites for college students interested in alternative ways of communicating and sharing their thoughts, but both platforms have transformed into cornerstones of society.  Continue reading

April Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder

Service of Process in the Lone Star State

From FL to CO to MI to GA, our carousel of state process serving laws in states where we have offices, now continues to the great state of Texas. Other than FL, TX is home to the most Accurate Serve® offices, boasting 2 locations, in Dallas AND Houston. FL and TX have several similarities when it comes to process serving laws. Some of those are below:

  • No Sunday service
  • Date/time of service needs to be endorsed on the process served
  • Must be at least 18 to qualify to serve process
  • Clerks and Attorneys can issue Subpoenas

Some differences include:

  • FL courts generally issue Summonses to initially serve on Defendants.  TX issues Citations
  • TX Statutes require personal service on defendants.  Most FL cases, substitute service on a co-resident is acceptable.  For TX cases, if personal service proves difficult, the Judge/Courts can approve alternative service via posting or sub service
  • An officer authorized to take depositions in the State can also issue Subpoenas and then subsequently, serve them

No matter what state the papers originate, no matter where the papers need to be served – our Accurate Serve® offices/locations know the rules and how to get the job done.

If you are an Attorney in Texas, please reach out to either our Dallas or Houston offices.  They will be your intake or point of contact with Accurate Serve®.

If you are an Attorney outside of TX, please continue to use the office you have been using.  If you are new to using our company, please check out our franchise website (www.theaccurateservefranchise.com) to find out which office you should send your papers to expedite service of process.

Warmest regards,
Beau Charlet

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Franchisee: Orlando

The Search is Over…

Greetings! If you need service of process in the Orlando area, the Orlando office covers Orange, Seminole and Osceola counties. However, if you also need service of process in any other part of Florida, there is no need to Google search ever again. Through the Accurate Serve® affiliates, we have the entire state of Florida covered. We provide our clients with a one-stop-shop for all their process serving needs. No need to perform numerous web searches looking for a server who covers one county or another. Your local Accurate Serve office provides you with one contact, one email address, one phone number, one group of dedicated professionals who are members of a larger group of dedicated professionals with one common goal, SERVING YOUR PAPERS!

Wondering if we can help with service in a rural county? We absolutely can!

If you have multiple serves going to various locations in Florida, all you need to do is send the documents over via email and we will get them served for you.

Using your local Accurate Serve® for all your serving needs allows you to focus on the primary parts of your cases and practice and allows us to better serve you.

All the best,

Jared Williams
Need our help?
Call (407) 674-7038
Email serve@accurateserveorlando.com

Visit the Orlando Website
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Too many keys on your key ring?  Constantly inserting the wrong key into the key hole?  Try painting  the top part of your keys with nail polish (the part that does not go into the key hole).  This can help you differentiate one key from another.

Dates to Remember
5/8 – Happy Birthday Brennan Fogarty!
5/9 – Mother’s Day
5/31 – Memorial Day

Office Anniversaries:

Bradenton & Sarasota Offices!

March 2021 Job Statistics

March 2021 Job Count – 5,426
Average Number of Days from Receiving Paper to Paper Being Served* -5.4

*This includes jobs that may be on hold or waiting for new info. There is no way to take those jobs out of the calculation. So, if a job is placed on hold for 2 weeks, that’s 14 days on that job which factors in to this average. So, we’re even better than what the eyes see, LOL. Some papers get served same day, some next day and some take multiple attempts/addresses to effect service. All we do all day and every day is serve papers. We’re good at it and we love what we do. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to continue to serve your papers.

We Are Proud Sponsors of:
Copyright © 2021 Accurate Serve, All rights reserved.

Should I Hire a Process Server?

Process servers carry out many vital tasks that keep our judicial system running, though they aren’t always appreciated. Individuals and lawyers alike rely upon process servers to serve their court papers in an expedient and legally upheld manner. If you’re wondering if you should hire a process server or simply use the local sheriff, here’s what you should know. 

What is a Process Server?

A process server is a person who is legally certified to deliver court orders and court documents relating to a defendant’s presence in court. Aside from court-appointed officials like the sheriff, process servers are the only individuals who can serve defendants with the papers necessary to advance a court case or legal situation.  Continue reading

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