What is a process service? It doesn’t sound very fun or interesting, but it can be very exciting, at least for the person serving the recipient. You never know what to expect as a process server. Your recipient could do just about anything to evade you.
Process service is the act of serving someone legal paperwork who is involved in some kind of legal proceeding. This is a crucial step in the legal process, and it allows all parties involved a chance to tell their side in a court of law. Since it is such an important part of the legal process, strict laws and guidelines, to ensure that it is carried out fairly and adequately, govern it. The exact process is different from place to place. Here is how it works, basically.
This is the start of what will become a lawsuit. The victim will file a formal complaint in writing against the person who will be served. Your lawyer can help you draft the complaint in the right language and format, including all of the necessary elements. This basic complaint will be the bulwark of the case, so it is essential that you have all the important details included.
Service of Process
Whenever a complaint is filed against someone, that person has a right to defend himself or herself in court. So, the process service is a crucial legal step. The process server will deliver the paperwork to the recipient and order him to appear in court. A process service has to happen before a case can move forward. In some places, any adult who is not part of the legal proceedings can serve a process. However, several place put additional regulations on people who want to serve process.